It's By Faith Through Belief

Discover Your Faith, Use It To Believe, And Receive From God.
By Apostle Isidore A. Agoha
10 Digit ISBN:
13 Digit ISBN: 978-1-63413-489-7
LCCN: 2015906546
Price: $19.99
Trim: 6x9
Format (pb/hc): Paperback
Pages: 440
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Live an empowered life through an understanding of faith.

Isidore Agoha delivers a comprehensive study on faith in It’s by Faith through Belief. Faith is the foundation on which the Christian life is built, the “one indispensable condition for any meaningful relationship with God.” Yet so few Christians live the empowered life available to them through an understanding of faith.

More than simply a dry concept one hears preached on Sunday morning, faith should play a key role in every Christian’s life, for it is the way to realize God’s purpose and blessings. Many Christians wonder why they fail to manifest God’s blessings in their lives. Agoha reveals the answer: failure to have appropriate faith.

A believer praying with mere hope has missed the point. Hope is simply optimism, whereas faith is asking in belief. Christians will reap the abundance of God’s blessings, as well as command an arsenal of spiritual weapons, when they learn to exercise faith. Christians fail to appreciate the power of God’s Word. Instead of turning to it for answers, they wallow in discouragement, depression, and defeat. “The tragic irony is that these are the same negative outcomes that God’s Word was meant to eradicate.”

In practical terms, Agoha teaches how a believer must boldly declare the blessings and provisions he or she has perceived from God’s Word, and then act upon that declaration in order to receive. Christians can live an empowered life when they learn to apply the concepts taught so clearly in this book.

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him” (Hebrews 11:6).


A systematic exposition of the biblical theme of faith; and in particular, its indispensable role as the singular means of appropriation of God's pracious offer of His person, presence, purposes, plan, provisions and other aspects of His grace or blessings to humanity.


Isidore A. Agoha-Bible teacher, author and revivalist is the Senior Pastor of Triumphant Life Church, Bronx New York USA. Born in Nigeria and raised in a Christian home, but came to Jesus Christ in 1985. After receiving the Holy Spirit in 1986, he received the vision of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and a call to teach and proclaim the Kingdom of God. Isidore relocated to the United States in 1991, and was ordained pastor in 2001. In 2003, he was installed the Senior Pastor of Triumphant Life Church. He is married to Maureen Agoha, with whom he pastors, Triumphant Life Church. They are blessed with three children. His first book, "Demons Are Subject to Us," has brought many to the experience healing and deliverance from evil spirits. Isidore ministers with Gifted with a unique anointing for exposition, healing and deliverance.